Welcome to WIBIS Brasil 2019
A conference from experts to experts
WIBIS Brasil is part of the international symposium WIBIS (Wind Energy and Biodiversity) Summit. WIBIS aims a global approach, with the purposes of promoting best practices, sharing knowledge, connecting people and promoting global R & D projects. To do so, our program includes participants from other countries, so as to share knowledge from their projects and/or to foment new practices and innovations. WIBIS aims to be a space for debate and solution building.
Building under the success of WIBIS Brasil in 2018, this year event will be dedicated to core issues for the sustainable development of wind energy in Brazil, such as technical-methodologies for monitoring biodiversity, the socio-economic impacts of wind farms and their respective sharing of benefits, and specific wind farm procedures.
Consulado Geral de Portugal em São Paulo
Rua Canadá, 324 – Jardim América - São Paulo
16TH July – Seminar
17TH July – Workshops

Miguel Mascarenhas
Manager and Environmental Specialist @Bioinsight | Portugal
Miguel is an applied ecologist. At Bioinsight, Miguel is the manager and is also actively involved in business development. To do this Miguel focus his work on understanding customers and partners challenges and needs, creating ground for the Bioinsight team to what they know best: create sustainable solutions for business and biodiversity.
Miguel participated in hundreds of environmental impact assessments, monitoring programs, evaluations and other strategic environmental consulting services related to biodiversity. Since 2009, Miguel has been involved in the application of the European Birds and Habitat Directives during the environmental assessment of plans and projects and on the incorporation of ecosystem services in the evaluation and management of biodiversity.

Gustavo Simon
Commercial Director @ ECOA Ambiental | Brazil
Gustavo Luis Simon, has 10 years of experience in Project Management, Environmental Consulting, Environmental Licensing (EIA and Environmental Impact Report - RIMA, Environmental Control Report - RCA, Environmental Control Plan - PCA, Preliminary Environmental Report - RAP, Simplified Environmental Report - RAS, etc.). Bachelor in Biology from the University of Vale dos Sinos - UNISINOS, in July 2013.

Paulo Cardoso
Environmental Specialist @Bioinsight | Portugal
Over the past 18 years, Paulo has worked with biologists, teachers, physicians, and epidemiologists on issues related to ecology, mapping, governance, impact assessment, and renewable energy in a long history of more than 220 studies. He spent a significant amount of time in fieldwork with species biology, ecology of plant and animal communities, in Europe and Africa.
More recently, Paulo has devoted time to programming in R to analyze data from satellite imagery and RADAR technology applied to tracking bird movements.
Paulo also works with biogeography, landscape ecology, BREEAM certification and environmental assessment in accordance with the IFC and FSC Principles and Standards.

Emilio Roos
Manager, Environmental Assessment Specialist @ECOA Ambiental | Brazil
Biologist and Technologist in Agricultural acts to 12 years Projects and Environmental Consulting Management (Study and Environmental Impact Report - EIS / EIR, Report and Environmental Control Plan - RCA and PCA, Preliminary Environmental Report - RAP Management Plan, Simplified Environmental Report - RAS, among others).

Leonora Cardin
Environmental Specialist @ENEL GREEN POWER | Brazil
Biologist, and Master in Botany by the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with solid experience in the area of environmental consulting, especially in the electric sector. I worked in all licensing stages, from environmental feasibility assessment to management of the operation, including coordination of Impact Studies and Environmental Management System for Construction. Participation in more than 50 projects, including Transmission Line, Substation, Ports, Hydropower, Landfills, Solar-Wind Complexes, Thermoelectric Plants, Gas Pipelines, natural gas exploration, among others.

Cristina Catunda
Environmental Specialist @ IFC | Brazil
IFC's social and environmental specialist since 2013, Cristina evaluates and monitors the socio-environmental performance of projects in which IFC invests, both in loans to companies and financial institutions. Cristina also works on PPP structuring projects and public concessions, in addition to participating in various initiatives, such as the elaboration of socio-environmental guidelines for large projects in Amazonia, in partnership with GVCes (http://diretrizes-grandesobras.gvces.com .br /), and technical assistance with the BNDES, aiming at the adequacy of the internal socioenvironmental risk assessment procedures to the international references. Cristina has more than 25 years of experience in the socio-environmental area, developing and coordinating studies and processes of environmental licensing of private sector projects, focusing on infrastructure (generation, transmission and distribution of energy, ports, highways, sanitation), mining and manufacturing , as well as urban and agroindustrial projects. Previously, he was manager of the environmental studies area of ERM Brasil for 8 years and worked as coordinator of environmental studies at CH2M Hill (now Worley) in Brazil, as well as providing socio-environmental consulting services in an autonomous manner.
Architect and Urbanist from FAU-USP, Cristina holds a Master's degree in Environmental Science from PROCAM-USP and a doctorate (not completed) in International Relations from IRI-USP.

Juliane Biehl
Research Associate Research Group Environmental Planning and Evaluation @Berlin Institute of Technology | Germany
With training in environmental planning and environmental management, Juliane’s interests are governance systems and strategic planning of renewable energies.
Her recent work in the research group focuses on the emerging issue of sustainable wind power development. Juliane collaborated in the exhaustive research line: "horizon review", an interdisciplinary feasibility study involving academia, government agencies, wind energy, consulting, associations and civil society.

João Paulo T. Damasceno
Ph.D Student in Ecology @PPGECO/UFRN | Brasil
João Damasceno holds a Master's degree in Biological Sciences and a PhD in Ecology at UFRN. He currently collaborates with Research and Conservation Projects at SAVE Brasil and is one of the coordinators of the National Plan of Action for the Conservation of Shorebirds in Brazil.

João Paula
Environmental Specialist @Bioinsight | Portugal
João is a senior consultant at Bioinsight providing environmental consulting services in renewable energy projects and transportation infrastructure for more than 12 years. His work focuses on assessing environmental impacts on biodiversity and natural resources, developing and implementing mitigation strategies and monitoring plans.
Its work is characterized by the search for solutions to ensure that the services provided are in compliance with European standards (EIA Directive, Habitat Directive, Birds Directive) and / or international creditors standards (IFC PS 6, PR 6 of the EBRD) depending on the nature and location of the projects.

Carina Rodrigues Silva
Bat and bioacustic Specialist @ Federal University of Pernambuco | Brazil
Carina is a biologist with experience in bioacoustics and bat research since 2012. She has already carried out studies in Conservation Units and Wind Farms. Currently she continues to improve her experience with the group of bats by means of the Master's degree in Animal Biology with Professor Enrico Bernard at the Laboratory of Applied Science for Biodiversity Conservation, Department of Zoology, Federal University of Pernambuco. Her current project is to evaluate how bats respond to the anthropic disturbance in the Caatinga through bioacoustics.

Thiago Mario Culhari
Social Manager @Voltalia Energia do Brasil Ltda | Brazil
Thiago Culhari is Manager of the Social Area of Voltalia Energia do Brasil and responsible for more than 40 social projects of the company. Currently, it is involved in the application of Social Projects of the ISE Line with BNDES sub-credit in the municipalities of Areia Branca, Serra do Mel, São Miguel do Gostos, among other municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte, in addition to activities in the beginning of development in the State of Amapá, specifically in the municipality of Oiapoque. Among dozens of projects, special highlight for the Project Water and Income and Productive Backyards in the Serra do Mel; besides the Well in School Project, Good in Sport in Areia Branca; and Operation Smile, in the same state. Through these actions, in 2017 he won the Benchmarking Certificate as a Reference in Sustainable Projects and also made possible the participation in the 13th International Conference of Evaluation that took place in Greece in October 2018.
With 12 years of experience acquired as a Socio-Environmental Coordinator at CPFL Renováveis and in the Environmental Consultancy area by JGP as Geologist and Environmental Coordinator, Thiago holds a degree in Geology from Universidade Estadual Paulista - Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP). First place in the COGE Foundation Award for Socio-Environmental Responsibility Actions in 2014 with the Portfolio of Projects developed for the sub-loan of the BNDES - Business Social Investment Line (ISE) by CPFL Renováveis, certifying sustainable social projects

Felipe Serejo
Specialist in project management @Voltalia Energia do Brasil Ltda | Brazil
Engineer from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), a project management specialist at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and currently studying economics, he has been working in the social and environmental area of Voltalia since 2015, with a special focus on project prospecting, management and evaluation of the company. There are already more than 40 social projects in the portfolio, mostly linked to the social sub-credit of wind projects through the BNDES Social Enterprises Investment Line (ISE). Felipe is also a member of the We @ Voltalia project committee, a global association of the company in favor of the development of social projects in areas where the organization is present, as well as collaborating in other internal projects of the Voltalia group's Sustainability area. one all. He has a major international experience, having resided in England, Canada and the United States for further study, and is currently a member of the European Evaluation Society (EES), whose main focus is to promote the theory, practice and use of high quality assessments in projects in several countries.

Guilherme Sari
Commercial Director @DGE Soluções Renováveis | Brazil
Commercial Director of DGE Soluções Renováveis, which has been active in the sector since 2007.
DGE is a project development and structuring company that has been working in partnership with the main players in the global renewable generation market and a 6GW portfolio between RS, RN, CE and PI in wind and solar generation.
He is the President of the Union of Wind and Solar Energy Companies of RS - SINDIEÓLICA - since 2017 with increased representation of companies and political participation and an action focused on resuming RS to the scenario of market growth.

Marcelo Montaño
Associated Professor @ Nucleus of Environmental Policy Studies / University of São Paulo | Brazil
Lecturer at the Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation of the School of Engineering of São Carlos (EESC / USP), responsible for Environmental Impact Assessment at the Engineering courses offered by the school. He is coordinator of the Nucleus of Environmental Policy Studies of EESC / USP and, currently, Administrative Vice President of the Brazilian Impact Assessment Association (ABAI). Has experience with the incorporation of environmental aspects in the development of projects and in the territorial planning, and researches focused on the analysis of the effectiveness of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment.

Eduardo Wagner da Silva
Chief of the Division of Environmental Licensing of Nuclear, Thermal, Wind and Other Alternative Sources - Denef of the Environmental Licensing Board @ IBAMA | Brazil
Eduardo Wagner is a Civil Engineer with Post Graduation in Environmental Geoprocessing. IBAMA Environmental Analyst since 2003, has been working in the Environmental Licensing Board of IBAMA for 10 years, with experience in Environmental Impact Assessment in energy generation projects such as Hydroelectric, Thermoelectric, Nuclear, Wind and Photovoltaic Power Plants.

Leon de Aguiar
General Director @IDEMA | Brazil
Leon has a Bachelor's degree in Geography (2007), a Master's degree in Geography (2013), a specialization in Geoprocessing and Digital Cartography (2014) and a PhD in Geodynamics and Geophysics (2018), all from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Participated in the elaboration of the Plan for the Integrated Development of Sustainable Tourism and Strategic Environmental Assessment of Tourism of the Costa Blanca and Costa das Dunas Poles in the RN, financed by PRODETUR / IDB (2008-2009). Participated in the elaboration of the Drainage Master Plan of the municipality of Natal / RN (2008). Coordinator and participant in the elaboration of Participative Directors Plans in municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte. Was geographer, project manager and technical manager at Start Pesquisa e Consultoria Ltda (2008-2011 / 2013). Acted as environmental analyst for the Environment Department of Tibau do Sul / RN (2013). Elaboration of municipal environmental codes (2010-2014). Coordination and participation in environmental studies (RIV, RAA, RCA, RAS, EVA, EIA-RIMA) of small, medium and great complexity, with emphasis on World Cup works in Natal / RN (2009, 2011) macrodrenagem de tunnel de urban drainage in Natal (2012), Maxaranguape - São Gonçalo do Amarante (2013), road works, wind and solar power plants, urban and tourist projects (several years). Elaboration of environmental technical opinions. Worked at the Secretary of Environment and Urbanism of Natal / RN through an agreement to assist the Technical Advisory and Planning Sector as Analyst, with emphasis as a member in the review of the Remnants of Christmas Dunes (2015-2016). Participated in Local Housing Plans of Social Interest. Coordinated and participated in the elaboration of Municipal Plans of Basic Sanitation. It has been working for more than 10 years in the area of environment, geoprocessing, topography, environmental licensing, regularization, consulting and environmental advice, providing services to public and private entities. Has experience in the area of Geosciences, Remote Sensing, Digital Photogrammetry with Drone, Digital Image Processing and other Geotechnologies (being SELPER Brazil's associate since 2018). Participated in academic projects and studies in the Semiarid and Coastal Zone. Worked in the elaboration of Environmental Zoning, analysis of protected areas, mapping, elaboration and revision of Management Plans of Nature Conservation Units (PEMP-Tibau do Sul, Parque das Dunas), conducting lectures, courses and environmental assessments.

Ana Paula Monção Almeida
Specialist in Environment and Water Resources @ INEMA | Brazil
Specialist in Environment and Water Resources of the environmental agency of the State of Bahia, INEMA. Chemical Engineer (FAENQUIL / USP) and Master in Materials Science (UNICAMP), post-graduate in Occupational Safety Engineering (UFBA) and in Environmental and Urban Law (Fundação do Ministério Público - RS). Experienced in the petrochemical industry and consulting in Risk Analysis and Management, he works in the area of environmental licensing of infrastructure and energy projects, with experience in leadership and analysis of environmental processes, elaboration of Terms of Reference, Technical Standards and Environmental Studies .
Event Schedule
08.00 : 09.00
Attendees reception
09.00 : 09.10
Dr. Paulo de Nascimento
Consulado Geral de Portugal
Welcome speech
09.10 : 09.20
Emílio Roos
ECOA Ambiental
Welcome speech
09.20 : 09.45
Eduardo Silva Wagner
Agenda for the development of federal environmental licensing of offshore wind farm complexes
09.45 : 10.10
Leon Aguiar
Procedural issues of licensing in Rio Grande do Norte
Ana Paula Monção Almeida
Procedural issues of licensing in Bahia
10.10 : 10.30
10.30 : 11.00
Cristina Catunda
Wind Energy and Biodiversity under the View of the International Finance Corporation - IFC
11.00 : 11.20
11.20 : 11.40
Miguel Mascarenhas
Wind sector and biodiversity: distinction between individual effects and impacts on populations
11.40 : 12.00
Juliane Biehl
(Berlin Institute of Technology
The strategic planning system fpr Wind Energy in Germany
Guilherme Sari
DGE Soluções Renováveis
Session I's Round Table Moderator
12.00 : 13.00
13.00 : 14.15
Paulo Cardoso
14.20 : 14.40
Scenarios of wind expansion and climate change: identification of conflicts with biodiversity - present and future
14.40 : 15.00
João Damasceno
Technical and methodological questions to evaluate impacts on the avifauna of wind farms
15.00 : 15.20
Carina Rodrigues Silva
Universidade Federal Pernambuco
Assessing and analyzing bat acoustic data: what can acoustic data analysis on bats tell us?
15.20 : 15.40
Thiago Culhari & Felipe Serejo
Social Issues: impact and benefit sharing
15.40 : 16.10
16.10 : 16.30
Leonora Cardin
ENELGreen Power
In Delfina, hope is blue: Experimental Release Monitored Lear's Macaw (Anodorhynchus leari) at the Delfina Wind Farm, BA
16.30 : 16.50
Leonora Cardin
ENELGreen Power
Following in the footsteps of the King: Telemetric monitoring of the brown jaguars (Puma concolor) and painted jaguars (Panthera onca) at the Delfina Wind Farm, BA
16.50 : 17.50
Marcelo Montaño
Universidade de São Paulo
Session I's Round Table Moderator
17.50 : 18.00
Final Notes
09.00 : 13.00
Stakeholder Management: An Approach to IFC Standards
The theme to be addressed at this workshop is very much in line with the IFC Criteria for Stakeholder Engagement and also meets the requirements of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (ODS).
The Stakeholder Management workshop: an approach in IFC standards will aim to promote a moment of practice related to the engagement of the main and common stakeholders to wind farms, presenting them with "real" situations and helping them to develop strategies that lead to a long relationship time in a harmonic way.
We will also take a moment to reflect on the process of setting up a "Social Project" before a specific situation, where the participants had to quickly plan execution and monitoring details, always remembering the maintenance of the stakeholder relationship!
Thiago Culhari & Felipe Serejo
10.30 : 11.00
13.00 : 14.00
14.00: 18.00
Miguel Mascarenhas, João Paulo & Paulo Cardoso
Monitoring in the phase of operation of a wind farm - a tool for adaptive management.
Summary: Adaptive management is an approach that allows a better understanding and direction of the sustainable management of natural resources. In the environmental process of a wind farm assumes a fundamental role and beholds in the monitoring a tool for its execution and alignment.
Do you know what the effect of mortality is? Do you know how it really reflects in the population of a particular bird or bat? And how can you mitigate this effect or impact? On what basis does management take the lead in its adaptive management process?
You will be able to find the answers to these questions in the workshop in a practical and well-founded way. Participation will allow us to experiment with how monitoring can be beneficial in the context of a wind farm operation and how its execution can contribute to the success of adaptive management.
Participants will work in a group to: 1) analyze the effect of bird and bat mortality as a result of the presence of wind power plants, 2) interpret the actual impact on populations, and 3) recognize and select the best mitigation solutions for each situation. Finally, 4) participants will have the opportunity to discuss how and when previous steps allow to inform and improve decision making in the adaptive management process.
15.30 : 16.00
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